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We at D'GOLD believe that sustainability actions are essential to guarantee a prosperous and balanced future for the next generations. Every step towards sustainability contributes to preserving the environment and global well-being.



Mudas e Sementes

DGOLD knows that the success of its operations also depends on coexistence that respects the environment. To this end, it developed a project that promotes environmental education and preservation of the environment and thus provides greater contact with nature.


Contact with the earth and the enchantment with the seeds that sprout, the daily practice of care – watering, transplanting, removing weeds, the exercise of patience and perseverance until nature offers us the transformation of small seeds into green, lush vegetables and colorful.


These experiences can transform small school spaces into corners of great charm and learning for all ages. In this context, D'GOLD DTVM counts on the participation of schools and children to cultivate a valuable educational tool, planting seedlings and seeds.




Over the last few years, we at DGOLD DTVM have developed work with miners that aims to encourage, through educational actions, the regulation of the activities of miners and companies linked to the gold market.

Mining regions are normally areas far from urban centers and that lack basic infrastructure, which is why it becomes much more important to pay attention to the essential factors of hygiene, health and cleanliness, as well as adequate treatment of garbage and debris and the importance of using the retort for the reactivation of mercury and consequently its reuse.

D'GOLD has already developed:

  • Booklets

  • Video classes

  • Blog

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Cuide bem do
seu Tesouro

The “Take Care of Your Treasure Project” was created in response to the inclusion of the Tapajós Garimpeira Reserve in Environmental Preservation Areas, established by federal decree. With the need to adapt to new environmental rules, the project aims to transform the mentality and practices of miners to guarantee the sustainability and legality of mining activities.

The municipal administration of Itaituba, through the Municipal Secretariat of Mining and Environment (SEMMA), formed partnerships with miners to offer technical assistance in geology and the environment. The project seeks to increase gold production, while promoting compliance with environmental legislation, thus ensuring the continuity of mining, which represents 50% of the local economy.

The project was launched on June 26, 2006, with the participation of important bodies such as DNPM, SECTAM, SEICOM and several associations. The acceptance was positive, adding new partners such as UNIDO.

Between October 22nd and 28th, 2006, training was carried out for 56 miners and multiplier agents, focusing on sanitation, use of mercury, mineral technology, and legalization of mining. Field work included mineral research to evaluate and enhance mining areas, as well as raising awareness about health and safe environmental practices.

The project also introduced new low-cost, high-efficiency technologies to improve production, such as concentrator plates, ball mills and centrifuges. Furthermore, it promoted the formalization of mining with the competent bodies, guaranteeing mineral and environmental licensing, and encouraged the issuance of invoices to legalize the sale of gold.

In short, the “Take Care of Your Treasure Project” seeks to balance mineral extraction with environmental preservation, ensuring the economic sustainability and legal compliance of miners in Itaituba.


2020 e 2021

Aid for families during the pandemic period.

DGOLD was dedicated to supporting needy and distant families affected by the pandemic. Through constant donations, we were able to bring hope and relief to many homes. Each contribution was a gesture of love and a commitment to collective well-being. Together, we overcome adversity and strengthen the bonds that unite us. DGold thanks everyone who was part of this solidarity journey.

Crianças na pré-escola


GRAAC SP - 2023

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D'GOLD DTVM is a company extremely committed to developing actions to help people's lives by carrying out projects aligned with good social, environmental and climate practices, in the social sphere, contributing through voluntary and systematic transfers of resources, in a planned and monitored manner , these resources are destined to social projects of public interest, as is the case of GRAAC in São Paulo.

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